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Did Secret Conflicts of Interest Bankrupt Bartlett House?

Bartlett House is an icon in the Morgantown community, serving as the go-to homeless shelter for nearly 40 years and assisting tens of thousands of mountaineers in need. Established in 1985, the Bartlett sisters envisioned a philanthropic purpose for their home on Grant Avenue. Ethel Bartlett and Pauline Bartlett, both native mountaineers, lived in Morgantown well into their 90s, passing away just a year apart. (Read…

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The History of Morgantown’s Mysterious Bartlett Sisters: Bartlett House Namesake

Bartlett House is on the cusp of a catastrophic financial collapse. WVMAD has been investigating the financial troubles. Not much is known about Bartlett’s history, except that a mysterious “Bartlett sisters” were involved and the original location was somewhere on Grant Avenue. No one even seems to know the sisters’ first names. Until now. Ethel Bartlett and Pauline Bartlett were born in the late 1800s.

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Morgantown's Christmas Firings: The Cruelest Christmas Story in City History

City of Morgantown welcome sign in front of WVU Coliseum, April 2024 On December 21, 2023, up to 18 City of Morgantown employees received an email from the payroll system. Nothing out of the norm. City employees receive this email every 2 weeks. It's payday! Excited to see their latest paycheck just before Christmas, these employees opened the email to find a Termination Notice. Termination…

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Morgantown Blows $515,440 of Taxpayer Funds on House Renovation at Dorsey's Knob Park

This is Part 2 of our Dorsey's Knob Lodge investigation. WVMAD requested financial records for the past 2 years of taxpayer expenses at Dorsey's Knob Lodge, a city-owned house in the middle of Dorsey's Knob Park. From a $174,556 uncovered deck to over $5,000 in wallpaper, BOPARC went on a wild spending spree from 2022-2023. Some locals have questioned BOPARC's leadership abilities and asked, was…

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