Submit a Tip

If you want to provide news tips or documents to Morgantown Accountability Dispatch, there are several ways to do so.


You may use our dedicated tip-line email address below. We do not recommend emailing from a work email address, particularly if you work for the government. Use your personal email so your employer cannot track you.


Anonymous Messaging & Doc Upload

If you do not feel comfortable about revealing your email address or identity, we have another solution through a service called Internxt. Use the link below to send us an anonymous message or upload up to 5GB of documents/photos at a time. Enter our email address in both TO and FROM fields to stay anonymous. Internxt does not send us any information about the sender's identity.


In-Person Meeting

In certain high profile cases, we may also be able to meet in-person at a local coffee shop or mutually agreed venue. Please contact us for details.